An intermittent or sustained elevation in systolic blood pressure (above 140 mm
Hg) or diastolic blood pressure (above 90 mm Hg) or a systolic and diastolic
pressure 20 mm Hg above the individual’s baseline pressure.
Your blood pressure changes constantly to adjust your circulation to your
activities. It increases during exercise and decreases during sleep. However,
during rest a normal reading is a systolic blood pressure less than 140 and a
diastolic pressure less than 90.
A person is diagnosed as having high blood pressure if the blood pressure stays at
140/90 or more. The doctor usually will not make this diagnosis until you have
been checked more than once and your blood pressure is high each time.
Most people are surprised to learn they have Hypertension (high blood pressure).
“But I feel just fine!” they say, and often think that it can’t be very serious as long
as they don’t have symptoms. Unfortunately, that’s why high blood pressure is so
dangerous–you can have it for years without knowing it, but all the time it is
making your heart work hard and raising your chances of heart attack and stroke.
For this reason, high blood pressure has earned the title of “The Silent Killer.”
Every time your heart beats, it pumps out about 5 ounces of blood, less than a
cup. But because the blood must travel through about 12,400 miles of blood
vessels, the heart pumps with a great deal of force. This produces a high-pressure
wave of blood through your arteries. Normally, the arteries are elastic and expand
with each heartbeat. When the heart relaxes between beats, the arteries also relax,
and the pressure is lower. Blood pressure readings are always given as two
numbers, for example, 120 over 82 (written as 120/82). The first number (systolic
blood pressure) is always higher and measures the pressure during the heartbeat.
The lower second number (diastolic blood pressure) is the pressure in the
arteries while the heart is relaxed.
These two numbers tell much about how hard your heart is working and the
condition of your blood vessels. The harder it is for blood to flow through your
arteries, the higher both the systolic and the diastolic readings will be.
As part of the normal aging process, the arteries harden and become less elastic.
The arteries no longer “cooperate” by expanding when blood pumps through
them. This raises the pressure inside the arteries. Your heart is forced to work
harder and harder to pump those 5 ounces of blood. Over a long period, the heart
enlarges and the blood vessels to the brain and kidneys become damaged. This
combination of heart enlargement and damaged blood vessels greatly increases
the risk of heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure.
It is not uncommon to see normal systolic blood pressures greater than 150 in
patients over age 70. Stressful situations will raise your blood pressure as part of
a normal physiologic reaction.
Diastolic pressure below 85-mmHG Normal
Diastolic pressure 85-89 High normal
Diastolic pressure 90-104 Mild hypertension
Diastolic pressure 105-114 Moderate hypertension
Diastolic pressure 115+ Severe hypertension
When the diastolic pressure is below 90 mmHG:
Systolic pressure below 140 Normal
Systolic pressure 140-159 Borderline hypertension
Systolic pressure 160+ Systolic hypertension
Causes & Incidence
About 90% of people with high blood pressure have essential hypertension,
meaning that the cause is unknown. It can strike anyone, regardless of age, sex,
race, economic status, or background. However, known risk factors include a
familial history of the disease, race, obesity, tobacco smoking, stress, and a high-
fat or high-sodium diet in genetically susceptible individuals. Persons with mild
or moderate hypertension may have no symptoms or may experience headaches,
especially on rising, ringing in the ears, light heaviness, easy fatigability, and the
feeling that their heart is beating wildly.
High blood pressure is often accompanied by anxiety attacks, rapid or irregular
heartbeat, profuse sweating, pallor, nausea, and, in some cases, fluid in the lungs.
Malignant hypertension, marked by a diastolic pressure higher than 120, severe
headaches, blurred vision, and confusion, may result in heart attack or stroke.
Hypertension may be secondary to kidney problems (renal artery stenosis),
hyperthyroidism, adrenal gland problems, or heart disease.
Who is At Risk?
Do you think your blood pressure may be high but have not spoken to your doctor
about it? Consider the following questions:
Regarding your medical history:
• Have you previously taken medication for high blood pressure but
• Do you have a family history of hypertension or heart disease?
Regarding your lifestyle:
• Do you get little or no regular physical exercise?
• Are you overweight for your height, age, and build?
• Do you smoke or use tobacco?
• Do you eat a lot of salty foods or add a lot of salt to your food?
• Is your diet high in cholesterol and/or saturated fats?
• Do you drink alcoholic beverages?
• Are you stressed or anxious at work and/or at home?
If you can answer yes to any of these questions, it is essential that you consult
with your doctor. Using the information given here you can prepare yourself for
that visit.
Hypertension is generally asymptomatic until complications develop. It is usually
discovered on routine examination.
Diagnostic Tests
Elevated pressures on at least two occasions from measurements taken on three
separate days are needed to label a person hypertensive. Secondary causes are
then ruled out to make a determination of primary hypertension.
Management of Hypertension
If you and your doctor discover that you do have hypertension, your doctor will
prescribe you the necessary medication and may ask you to make some changes
in your lifestyle. There are some very effective steps that you can follow to take
control. It may be difficult at first to make these healthy changes, but soon you
will be feeling and looking better and wondering why you did not do it sooner.
The following are some factors about your lifestyle that may make you more
likely to develop hypertension. Some of them you have the power to change, but
there are others you cannot.
1. Obesity: People who are obese are 30 percent or more above the ideal weight
for their height, age, and build. This is very dangerous for their health.
Maintaining your ideal weight can reduce your chance of developing
hypertension. You can do this by eating right and getting enough exercise.
You may think this is hard, but it does work. Talk to your doctor about a
sensible weight-loss program. Sometimes, losing weight can help lower your
blood pressure.
2. Smoking/Tobacco Use: One of the goals of controlling hypertension with
medication is to protect you from the risk of developing heart disease and
stroke. Smoking decreases the protective effects of hypertension medications
in preventing heart disease and stroke. Therefore, it is extremely important to
avoid tobacco use if you have hypertension. If you are already a smoker, there
are many programs available to help you quit the habit.
3. Nutrition: People who have poor diets or who skip meals frequently may not
be getting enough important nutrients, such as calcium, potassium, and
magnesium. Proper levels of these minerals are essential for overall health.
Excessive alcohol consumption may also raise blood pressure, as may
consuming large amounts of fat. Excess intake of salt (also called sodium)
causes water retention. The increased water in the body makes blood pressure
4. Age: As people age, their chance of developing hypertension tends to
increase. Many factors affecting overall health, such as weight, diet, lifestyle,
and environmental influences, may contribute to this tendency.
5. Heredity (Family History): If your parents or brothers or sisters have
hypertension, there is a very good chance that you will develop it too. That is
why it is important that your doctor take a family history during your
examination. If you do not know whether your family members have
hypertension, ask. It is especially a concern if a close family member has
severe hypertension or has died from heart disease before the age of 55.
6. Race and Ethnicity: Certain ethnic backgrounds have a greater chance of
developing hypertension. For example, African Americans may develop
hypertension when they are young. If and when hypertension develops, it can
also be more severe. As a result, serious consequences related to hypertension,
such as stroke and heart disease, can develop more frequently in people of
certain ethnic groups.
7. Gender: No concise clinical data yet exist to differentiate hypertension in
men versus women, especially young and middle-aged women. Birth control
pills and pregnancy can occasionally cause hypertension in women, and these
should always be considered in hypertensive women.
8. Stress: There has been a connection established between stress in the working
environment and hypertension. It can only benefit you to try and decrease or
eliminate the amount of stress in your life. The role of relaxation treatments as
an effective treatment to lower stress-related hypertension has not been
proven. If you have any questions, consult your physician.
9. Exercise: Studies have shown that regular exercise helps control blood
pressure. Lack of exercise is a strong risk factor for heart disease, especially if
you have hypertension. You do not have to run a marathon or spend most of
the day in the gym to reap the benefits of exercise. Moderate exercise is
enough. Just pick something you enjoy–and stick with it.
Frequently Asked Questions
How should I prepare for a physical examination?
Before you see your doctor, it is a good idea to make a list of any questions,
symptoms, or concerns that you may have. Also be prepared to discuss your
family medical history.
What exactly happens during a physical examination for hypertension?
A physical examination for hypertension may include:
• Two or more blood pressure determinations in three positions: seated,
standing, and lying down
• Thorough eye examination to check for signs of retinal disease related
to hypertension or diabetes mellitus. Both can cause degenerative
changes in the eye
• Examination of the neck with a stethoscope to listen for unusual
sounds in the arteries, swollen neck veins, and enlarged thyroid
• Examination of the heart to check for evidence of an enlarged heart,
abnormal heart sounds (murmurs), irregular heartbeats, and other signs
that indicate possible heart disease
• Examination of the chest to listen for abnormal lung sounds
• Examination of the abdomen
• Examination of the arms and legs for weak or absent pulses and
• Neurological examination
What laboratory tests are performed?
Some include:
• Complete blood count (CBC)
• Serum chemistry, including potassium, creatinine, and magnesium
• Urine analysis
• Fasting blood sugar
• Fasting lipoprotein profile (low-density lipoprotein [LDL], high-
density lipoprotein [HDL], cholesterol, and triglycerides)
• Electrocardiography (ECG)
• Chest radiography.
Your doctor may request more specific tests.
How does my doctor evaluate my progress after I begin therapy?
Your doctor will reexamine you at regular intervals, usually starting within the
first month of therapy, and will repeat some or all of the initial tests. He or she
will then make any indicated adjustments in your medication.
Baryta Muriatica: Dr. A.L. Blackwood says that wherever there is very high
blood pressure Baryta mur. 6x will give relief. This does not apply to cases where
the pressure results from diseased kidneys or calcareous blood vessels, but in
otherwise apparently normal persons.
Sulphur: King of Hahnemann’s antipsorics, Sulphur ought to be reserved for the
pretumoral state. It is to be prescribed as constitutional remedy to hypertensives,
whose general arterial hypertension is accompanied by an intense portal
congestion, which is both arterial and venous. The Sulphur patient who was has
some congestive troubles, gush of heat in the head arterial hypertension very often
goes towards Lachesis, at the end, with the same symptoms in these two remedies
but in Lachesis with varicocities on the cheeks and nose. Lips are purple and
sometimes livid.
Aurum Metallicum: In the proving of this drug all most all symptoms of
Hypertension has been observed which is given below for better understanding of
this remedy:
A sensation of heat with rush of blood, waves to the head, pressure sensation,
heaviness, dullness and sensation of vertigo in the head, rushing and weaving in
the head (as if one sat in rushing water), noises, rushing and swishing in the ears
with diminution of heating, thereby variable cold and hot sensation: sensation of
cold over the entire body, later increased sensation of heat, striking waves in the
blood, just as if it boiled in the arteries, facial heat with cold hands and feet; chill
at evening and in bed; the leg up to the knee is cold as ice; sensation of numbness
in the arms and legs, soon after awakening, more apparent on lying still. The
improvement of symptoms by walking in the open air, the general aggravation by
cold as well as through mental effort is easily understood on the basis of these
vasomotor symptoms. To these are added the cardiac and pulse symptoms: severe
palpitation and extraordinary dread, desire for sleep and fatigue in all extermities;
at times a single very marked heart beat, oppression of the heart which compels
deep breathing which relieves (aur. mur, D 4, Buchner), sensation as though the
heart ceased beating 2-3 seconds and then suddenly began with a strong beat;
oppression on the chest with feeling of anxiety; irregular heart beat with anxiety
and dyspnoea; severely irregular heart; in one prover with aur. Colloid. D 6,
immediately after ingestion, slowing of the pulse, which readily became irregular,
at times the beat ceased and thereby the blood pressure fell from 112 to 95, a
demonstration, which must be tested further. This great unrest and irregularity in
the arterial system the older observers had described as arterial erethism and
which on the re-introduction of gold therapy led to febrile states with transient
chills. It is clear that in homoeopathy gold and its salts are important agents for
such reactions in the heart and vascular system, which have their origin in
vasomotor disturbances as well as organic factors. Particularly arterial
hypertensions, the sclerosis of the coronary and cerebral vessels are important
But also there is a marked influence on the secretion of urine-at first increased,
but later even suppressed, which forms an indication for nephrosclerosis. In this
respect aurum is, in general, more suitable for the larger arteries and those of the
upper part of the body while plumbum involves the arterioles especially of the
kidneys (nephorsclerosis).
Arnica Montana: Hypertension of athletes. Used for shock, emotional as well as
physical shock.
Staphisagria: Hypertension because of some insult.
Naja T: Related to heart condition. Lassitude, coma, acute dyspnoea. Respiratory
paralysis. Paralysis is due to blockage of nerve impulses. Vaso-constriction. Loss
of normal balance and muscle control. Stupor and depression. Hypertension and
Kali-phos: High potency in neurasthenia, hypertension.
Raulwfia: Palliative remedy for high BP.
Eel Serum: Whenever the kidney becomes acutely affected, either from cold or
infection or intoxication, and the attack is characterized by OLIGURIA, ANURIA
and ALBUMINURIA, we will find the EEL’S SERUM eminently efficacious to
re-establish diuresis, and in rapidly arresting albuminuria. When during the course
of HEART DISEASE, the kidney, previously working well, should suddenly
become affected and its function inhibited; and when besides we observe cardiac
irregularities and a marked state of asystolia, we may yet expect good results from
this serum. But to determine here the choice of this remedy is not an easy matter.
While DIGITALIS presents in its indications, the well-known symptomatic
SERUM OF THE EEL seems better adapted to cases of HYPERTENSION AND
OLIGURIA, WITHOUT OEDEMA. We should bear in mind that the elective
action of the eel’s serum is on the kidney, and I believe we can well assert that if
DIGITALIS is a cardiac, the EEL’S SERUM is a renal remedy.
Crategus Ox: High blood pressure with arterio-sclerosis. It acts on muscles of the
heart by improving the oxygen supply.
Nat Mur: High blood pressure after the ill effects of grief, guilt, disappointment,
Verat Alb: High blood pressure with the history of over use of tobacco.
In acute cases Belladonna, Gelsemium, Bryonia and Glonine gives instant
results. In psychosomatic cases Ignatia, Hyoscyamus, Cocculus Ind and Rhus
Tox when indicated gives permanent relief from Hypertension.
Failure with hypertension: Use Crotalus horridus, Crategus, Natrum Mur &
Baryta carbonica. Constitutional remedies like Carcinocin, Sulphur, Thuja
clears the way for correct remedy in stub born cases.
Vibronic Remedies
Blood Pressure 1M: It has the properties of Adernaline, Belladonna, Epiphagus,
Glonoine and Iris V.
Caution :
“ Under no circumstances one should take these medicines by itself ”.
The above given details about the medicines for treatment of Hypertension should
be taken under the proper guidance of a qualified & registered Homoeopathic physician.
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