INJURY in any form is the commonest outcome of any good games played around the world along with winners and losers. In order to heal this wear and tear apart from the conventional line of medication, homoeopathic medications is a wonderful option. as it delivers miraculous results. Despite the potential seriousness and long-term effects of…

Restless leg syndrome is an unusual neurological issue characterized by legs that feel as though they need to get up and move. Restless leg syndrome is not a deadly disease, and it doesn't indicate any other brain problems. Nevertheless, it can be very disruptive to your quality of life. Restless leg syndrome is often difficult…
As name suggest chronic kidney disease is a slow progressive loss of kidney function over a period of several years. Kidneys are the organs responsible for filtering the waste from blood and excreting it out. Owing to be in contact with wasteful nitrogenous products, are sensitive to various affections, infections, inflammation stones and tumours. Generally…

Hairfall is a nightmare for many women..fight the early signs of hairfall Hair loss can appear in many different ways, depending on what’s causing it. It can come on suddenly or gradually and affect just your scalp or your whole body. Some types of hair loss are temporary, and others are permanent. Signs and symptoms…

Do you fear of dehydration or sunstroke or sun-tan during summer? do you perspire a lot during summer? here’s few simple modifications that will help you fight summer heat with smile. 1. first and foremost is drinking adequate water is you need to keep in mind in order to stay away from dehydration. Some experts…

AUTISM Autism affects to children in their initial 3 years of life, which is result of impaired functioning of the brain, expressing itself in the form of inability for social & communication skills, impaired intellectual faculty & hence affecting the development of the child.the exact cause behind autism is not yet fully understood. There are…