Dengue fever, one of the most common diseases in India, is a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus. Dengue is transmitted by several species of mosquito within the genus Aedes, principally A aegypti. The disease is transmitted by the bite of an Aedes mosquito infected with a dengue virus. The virus can result…

Ano-Rectal Fistula ‘Fistula–in-ano’ is an inflammatory track which has an external opening (secondary opening) in the perianal skin and an internal opening in the anal canal or rectum, which is lined by unhealthy granulation tissue and fibrous tissue. It is classified as low level or high level fistula depending on whether the internal opening is…

Yoga and Homeopathy both share many fundamental principles and they both complement each other enormously. They can both be used to achieve greater levels of health, harmony and wellbeing. They both work to increase and unblock the flow of energy by utilizing the energy currents and energy centres of the body. In Homeopathy we call…

Vitiligo, also known as leucoderma, is a relatively common skin disorder, in which white spots or patches appear on the skin. These spots are caused by destruction or weakening of the pigment cells in those areas, resulting in the pigment being destroyed or no longer produced. In most cases, vitiligo is believed to be an…

The wise say : a good laugh & a long deep sleep are the Best Cures Not sleeping enough and not sleeping well is not OK. As a matter of fact, there is quite a price to pay. It may surprise you to learn that chronic sleep deprivation, for whatever reason, significantly affects your health,…

Ever wondered what happens to your body when you start walking? Here’s a minute-by -minute rundown of the amazing chain reaction walking and exercise has upon your body, it’s truly amazing! Minutes 1 to 5 Your first few steps trigger the release of energy-producing chemicals in your cells to fuel your walk. Your heart rate…

Definition An intermittent or sustained elevation in systolic blood pressure (above 140 mm Hg) or diastolic blood pressure (above 90 mm Hg) or a systolic and diastolic pressure 20 mm Hg above the individual’s baseline pressure. Introduction Your blood pressure changes constantly to adjust your circulation to your activities. It increases during exercise and decreases…

Dyslexia Dyslexia is more than just having a reading problem, science shows us that dyslexia is actually a linguistic issue and that people of all IQ levels can be impacted. The effects of dyslexia varies from person to person with the only shared trait being that people with dyslexia read at significantly lower levels than…

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